This year the Hillcrest Apostolic Church in Moose Jaw will be running the 16th annual “Better Together Food Drive,” a financial, online giving campaign food drive in the friendly city.
“We find that Moose Jaw is a very generous community, so we are always happy to harness some of that generosity towards the Food Bank,” explains Daycee Richardson, Community Advocate of Hillcrest Church.
“We really value being part of the city; we are involved and connected with the Food Bank on an ongoing basis,” explains Richardson. .
Richardson describes her role’s purpose is to connect the church with needs in the community.
“We have shifted to online and we still have a lot of volunteers involved over the last week and half or so that have been canvasing all the residential areas of the city to distribute door hangers that tell people how they can give online or by mailing checks in support of the Moose Jaw and District Food Bank,” continued Richardson.
All volunteer roles this year have been graciously filled by attending members of Hillcrest Church.
The campaign encourages the community of Moose Jaw to donate financially toward the Food Bank so they can continue to support members in the community who may need emergency access to food.
With the large fundraiser taking some time to organize the church had to make the decision months before as to whether they would try to do an in-person drive with actual food or run a financial campaign again.
“Normally what it looks like is we have about 400 volunteers go out on Halloween night to canvas the city door to door and get food collections from the community and then we would take all that up to the fair grounds and sort it all and package it all and then deliver it to the Food Bank the next day,” explains Richardson.
Although the method of donating may look the same as previous years, the goal of raising $50,000 has remained the same. Last year, the church exceeded the goal and raised approximately $60,000 from the community.
“To support the food bank, we asked them about what their needs were and as everyone is aware they moved into a new facility this year and are still getting settled. They agreed that the financial campaign would be the best way to support them,” said Richardson.
To donate to the campaign the public can go online to the Moose Jaw Food Bank’s website or mail a check to 270 Fairford Street West.
Donations will be accepted now until the 1st of November.
If anyone has any questions, they can reach out to Hillcrest Church (306)692-5600 or go online to the churches website for additional information.