The provincial government has proclaimed March 14-20 as Agriculture Safety Week in Saskatchewan, as a reminder of the importance of safety both on and off the farm.
“Agricultural Safety Week provides the opportunity to remind everyone that agriculture safety matters year-round, on and off the farm,” said Agriculture Minister David Marit in a press release. “Physical and mental health are of the utmost importance and everyone must do their part to ensure we are all able to return home to our loved ones at the end of each day.”
Agriculture Safety Week is recognized each year in conjunction with the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association’s own awareness week.
With the goal of helping producers, families and communities lead the agriculture industry in a safer, more sustainable direction, Agriculture Safety Week is one way the provincial government seeks to grow the agri-food industry.
According to statistics reported by the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Surveillance Program at the University of Saskatchewan, an average of 13 people are killed on Saskatchewan farms annually.
About 75 per cent of those fatal injuries involve farm machinery, such as grain trucks, semis, and combines, and of all series injuries that happen on the farm yard, 14 per cent include youth.
This year’s theme is “Lead and Ag Safe Canada,” the second of the province’s three-year “Safe and Strong” farm safety campaign.
While no formal activities are occurring this year to celebrate Ag Safety Week, virtual AgSafe ribbons are available to download from the CASA website and more farm safety information, including the province’s Farm Safety Guide, can be found online at