City administration’s inability to give responses to questions that had been asked weeks ago frustrated Coun. Brian Swanson, who expressed his disappointment over the slowness in receiving responses to his “critical questions.”
During the final few minutes of council’s July 22 regular meeting, Swanson inquired about queries he had made during previous meetings, particularly around paving, the cast iron water main replacement, and summaries of contractual agreements.
Swanson pointed out he had previously asked about a repaving project on the 1100 block of Fourth Avenue Northeast and why the street had not been widened in the process.
After looking through his notes and at other department managers for assistance, Josh Mickleborough, director of engineering, replied, “We will follow up and respond.”
Swanson continued by saying during a previous meeting, he had asked why there was a discrepancy in how many cast iron water main pipes would be replaced this year and what had already been replaced. He had pointed out that 3,200 metres of pipes were scheduled to be replaced this year, but only 2,200 metres had actually been switched out.
“Yeah, again, apologies for the delay on that. We’ll be getting a response and send it out,” said Mickleborough.
During a personnel committee meeting six weeks ago, Swanson said he had indicated there has been a long-standing practice to provide a synopsis of contractual agreements. He noted council had received a synopsis of the police contract agreements but none from the fire department.
“All my three previous questions speak to critical issues with respect to the city that have previously been brought forward,” he added. “I’m left wondering, why does it take so long to get follow-up answers to critical questions?”
Those synopses are not provided until agreements are signed, explained city clerk Myron Gulka-Tiechko. The fire department’s contractual agreement was signed only recently. That synopsis is expected to be presented to council in the coming weeks.
The next regular council meeting is Monday, Aug. 12.