St. Mary School was host to a square dance on the evening of Sept. 25, as the Moose Jaw Town and Country Square Dance Association held its first dance lesson of the season. As the first course, the dance was meant to be a way for prospective dancers to see if square dancing is right for them.
Square dance is a choreographed dance for four couples, or eight individuals, and involves a caller naming the next move while couples follow the lead.
Around 16 dancers showed up to learn the ropes, and this included a fair number of new faces. As participants are organized into groups of eight, this made the perfect number to form two large circles.
Square dance provides the ideal date night idea, and the organization has been an active part of the local community for over 50 years now. The association was also the ideal outing for the current caller couple Valerie and Lane Wright during much of its history.
The association is not just there to offer a romantic evening, of course. Individuals and other dancers looking to get out of the house and stay active are also welcome and the dance is a great way for individuals of any age to stay in shape.
Square dancing is also fairly easy to pick up on.
“It’s like walking to music. If you can tap your toe, then you can square dance,” explained Valerie Wright, the association’s caller.
To participate, dancers must simply learn the basic moves and then follow the lead of the caller, who directs the movement on the dance floor.
“Let’s put it to music,” Wright announced as the second round of lessons began. To someone totally new to square dance, the instructions appeared to be spoken in a different language, despite the international community using English as the standard call language. “Do-si-do, find your partner, promenade her, clap, and turn. Allemande left, now promenade until you get back home,” Wright called.
The lesson was performed at an easy-going pace, and the association provides a “social square dance,” according to Wright. This translates into an environment that’s more about enjoying each other’s company than it is about competition.
Some of the new members square danced in the past, and some wanted to try the association’s lessons. Everyone in unison said that the night was “a lot of fun” after the lesson was complete.
One of those new members, Dianne Fox, said this was her first night with the Town and Country Square Dance Association but she isn't new to the dance. “It was great,” she said. “It’s our first time in 40 years,” her husband pointed out.
If you missed the association’s first dance, a second introductory dance is planned for Monday, Oct. 2. The second upcoming dance will be held at the same location and will also run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
“If you can’t come out on the first night, but wanted to try it, you’re welcome to come out the following night even if you don’t know what a left and right thru is,” Wright said in an earlier comment.
If you’re interested in attending the next dance lesson or would like to ask a few questions, Marcia Wiman can be reached at 306-681-8648.
St. Mary School is located at 720 Fifth Avenue Southwest.