Mizpah Chapter No 1, Order of the Eastern Star, recently held their Official Visit of the Worthy Grand Matron and the Worthy Grand Patron of Saskatchewan, at the Masonic Temple in Moose Jaw. Their fundraiser for this year is “The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan.”
Members with 25, 40, 45, 55 and 65 years of service were honoured and present with pins and certificates. One of our members from Swift Current, Maxine Olmsted, was presented with a “Certificate of Commitment” for heling to raise over $90,000 to sponsor a refugee family in Swift Current.
Pictured in the photo above are:
Back (l-r) Donna Rederburg (WGM from Saskatoon) and George Frederick (WGP from Saskatoon)
Middle (l-r) Lynann Pethick (WM); Margaret Tatarinoff (40-year member); Sue Butz (25-year member); Maxine Olmsted (Cert. of Commitment); Marjorie Pritchard (55-year member); Ray Moffat (W.P.)
Front (l-r) Judy Tilson (45-year member); Lorne Tilson (45-year member); Marlene Wiebe (65-year member).
Missing - Doug Coleman and Marsha Matiyek (both 25-year members); Dorothy Mittelholtz (45-year member); Kay Ogilvie (65-year member)