I have a friend waiting for her baby to come; she’s already eight days overdue. As I was contemplating her last moments before her life would change dramatically, especially as an “older” first-time mom, I was taken back to my early days as an “older” mom. I was 27 and 35 years old when I birthed our dear sweet peas.
Interestingly, the present average age of mothers at first birth is 29, which is much older than when my mom birthed me at only 21 years of age. My generation was raised by young moms; my daughters’ generation is being raised by much older ladies like me. f you ask me, there are pros and cons to both ends of the scale!
My first birthing experience was a long drawn out affair. I won’t bore you with the details; although we do all like to talk about our birth experiences! My second birthing experience was an early term miscarriage. The third birth was much shorter and more peaceful than my other two. Little Sweet Pea didn’t take long to show herself; her spitfire personality still shines through today!
I had learned a thing or two from my first experience and also read a book (Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize) that was very helpful to prepare me for this birth. One of the suggestions I put into practice was to meditate on scripture. asked the Lord for a promise to stand on and He gave me “still waters” and “green pastures” taken from Psalm 23. During the challenging contractions, I would meditate on His peace; “lying by still waters” and “in green pastures.” That gave me a sanctuary to go to. My body cooperated much better this time because I was relaxed and at peace. One of the nurses remarked “I’m not sure what you’re doing to stay in your happy place but keep doing what you’re doing.” That encouraged me that I was on the right path as I journeyed through the birth.
As I thought about my “happy place,” I was reminded of when Jesus fell asleep in the boat and a storm arose... “Jesus fell asleep. The wind rose and the fierce wind became a violent squall that threatened to swamp their boat. So the disciples woke Jesus up and said, ‘Master, Master, we’re sinking! Don’t you care that we’re going to drown?’ With great authority Jesus rebuked the howling wind and surging waves, and instantly they stopped and became as smooth as glass. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Why are you fearful? Have you lost your faith in me?’” (Luke 8:22-25)
Jesus was not affected by the storm. He was asleep! He had no fear of the storm... only faith. As we continue to walk through the many storms in our lives, we can find our “happy place.” How do we do that? Stay in faith by being immersed in His Word. Meditate on His promises. Pray in the Spirit. Quiet ourselves. Be still and know that He is God. Be reminded of past answers to prayer. Stay in fellowship with others; encouraging each other. Worship. Praise. Pray. Listen to that still small voice. Have others pray for you. Turn off the TV, Netflix and the radio. Turn on preaching, worship and praise. I often listen to Kimberly and Alberto Rivera who play spontaneous worship (YouTube); it takes me into a place in the Spirit where I can receive downloads from God; insights, words, encouragement, strength and courage.
Be intentional about finding your “happy place.” We are going to need it going forward.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.