Three cases of influenza in horses has led to the cancellation of the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company's Groundhog Horse Show.
"We wanted to make sure we erred on the side of caution and didn't expose any other horses to these ones," said George Fowler, manager of the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company.
The three horses showed clinical signs of influenza on the Exhibition grounds as of Wednesday. The on-call veterinarian recommended that everyone get their horses vaccinated with an Influenza/Rhinopneumonitis (Flu/Rhino) vaccine.
Much as it is with people, even the best prevention doesn't always guarantee successfully dodging the flu virus.
"It's contagious. It's airborne. We clean with chemicals to help avoid this, but it's airborne. Once you get it in a facility, it's gonna make its rounds," Fowler said. "It's a little earlier this year. Normally it's more of a March problem."
Fowler said it's recommended that horses get a vaccine twice a year -- once in the fall and again in the spring.
"An average horse in good condition it's like an adult getting the flu. The young and then the old animals are the ones who are at a risk of it being more serious," Fowler said.
The Groundhog Horse Show was scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. The event was to feature an English Day of riding and a Western Day of riding. The Exhibition is considering rescheduling the show in the future if there are any dates available.