HALLONQUIST, Sask. — My friend returned excited from Swift Current where he had found a real live farm auction we could attend.
On the scheduled Saturday we headed for a farm southeast of Hallonquist, following the directions on the auction ad, which said everything from farm machinery, furniture, tools and antiques were on sale
Near where we thought we should turn south we spotted a red and white sign that read “garage sale.”
Nope, can’t be. The ad said auction.
We motored on a mile or so and came across another garage sale sign. We decided to retrace our path.
We found the Dennis Unrau farm. He had farmed for 50 years when he died in January at the age of 69. He loved restoring John Deere tractors and volunteered at the Doc's Town village museum in Swift Current.
About 50 trucks had beat us there.
As we headed for the farm yard a man, arms full of stuff he had bought told us, “There’s some real bargains here. Get your cheque books out boys.’’
We were indeed at a garage sale with three places manned by family members. Listening to family talk we learned they were happy with the sales result.
Bargains were in every corner: $2 porcelain crocks, $35 for a rototiller, $120 for a snow blower.
An iron home-built tractor outline decorated with Christmas lights was priced at $200.
Three stained glass windows were $5 each. A crude replica steam tractor was up for sale.
A new John Deere pedal tractor was $400.
The machinery row had three tractors, a like-new goose neck trailer and a flat deck. The flat deck sold before we left around 10:45 a.m.
After checking out the Orthodox Ukrainian Church southwest of Hodgeville we had a late lunch at Joe’s Cafe in Morse .
Two nicely breaded veal cutlers with fries and dessert were $13.95 in this family-run restaurant.
The day before we paid $16.95 for one pork cutlet in Avonlea.
Ron Walter can be reached at [email protected] -30