The Little Manitou Lake Stewardship Group connects people interested in water quality and quantity the area.
“This group provides a local, point of contact for the Water Security Agency,” says Bill Mattick, a council member of the Resort Village of Manitou Beach.
“People concerned with the health of the lake and the watershed can be part of the group.”
There are no restrictions on who can join, Mattick says.
“We welcome agricultural producers and commercial businesses such as operators of feedlots and pig barns as well as retail and hospitality operators and residents of Manitou Beach, Watrous, Young, Lanigan, Drake, Plunkett, and Viscount. We also welcome those from the surrounding Rural Municipalities of Morris, Usborne, Colonsay, Viscount and Wolverine.
“We facilitate communications with a focus on water management. We also welcome those industry operating in the larger Manitou/Lanigan watershed.”
Mattick says concerned people who work together to answer questions and dispel rumors with facts will help this new group have a strong voice in the community.
The Little Manitou Lake Stewardship Group is affiliated with the Wascana and Upper Qu’Appelle Watersheds Association Taking Responsibility Inc. (WUQWATR).
Mattick is a board member of WUQWATR, a nonprofit organization formed in 2008 that promotes watershed stewardship in the Upper Qu’Appelle and Wascana watersheds of Saskatchewan. WUQWATR extends more than 23,443 square kilometres and includes over 109 communities from Regina to Humboldt and from Central Butte to Tyvan.
Please contact Bill Mattick at [email protected] to join the Little Manitou Lake Stewardship Group or Nathan Avery at [email protected] or call 306.529.5125 to join WUQWATR.