Well, if it isn’t another go about the old Coteau Street bridge after City Council said it will be demolished and another resident who lives whereabouts in that area is crying the blues; it just seems to never quit. I’m saying, we as human beings do think differently, and I like that. It makes for a good political fight.
Mr. Reichel, Mayor Tolmie [who recently resigned], Councillors and all residents out in Coteau Street area, you are [probably] older and by the time all of the millions of dollars it would cost to do all of this work out there, you would be dead and in your graves. Please stop complaining. This work would carry on to 2035.
The resigned mayor Tolmie is now trying to get into the House of Commons in Ottawa like his relative from many many years ago. I see he likes to be in the lime-light too! (Ha, Ha…too funny).
Fraser Tolmie, you don’t look so good in my eyes; you only have served in your second term a short time and you want to just jump ship and sit in the House of Commons. Shame on you.
-- Elizabeth Dusomme
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