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Letter to the Editor: Obnoxious anti-American people in Moose Jaw

A letter to the editor from Stewart Godfrey
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Letter to the editor. (Shutterstock)

I feel compelled, nay obligated to respond to the article titled “Local resident harassed over American flag license plate” by Larissa Kurz ; Jan 20. 2021

The obnoxious way that the intolerant anti-American man verbally abused Mr. Dennis Schick is reprehensible to me and most of the Canadians I know.

Even with all the warts and blemishes we have in Canada, it’s still one of the best places, if not the best place to live on the earth and it’s that way in a large part because of the USA.

America entered WWII, a bit late, but on our side and contributed to Allied victory in a major way. The bad-mannered ignorant verbal bully should be ashamed of himself.

Donald Trump, bad hairdo and all, is an American politician. He is NOT our president. He doesn’t represent all Americans, never did and never will! So don’t paint with so wide a brush! The Stars & Stripes isn’t Mr. Trump: personal flag; it’s the flag for ALL Americans, including those who helped Canada stay free and allow freedom of thought and speech so that badly behaved bullies like him can say such shameful things to a stranger, no less, in public. 

Are you long enough in the tooth to remember Gordon Sinclair? I would be remiss if I didn’t offer an apology to the many American residents of Saskatchewan and Canada, also the many welcome visitors. Many of us are intermarried to Americans. Many of us have second homes in the USA. 

One parting thought:  many, even most, Canadians object to the American war films that make it look like the Americans won both World Wars and Korea by themselves. The British Empire helped you know. 

Thank you Americans for past favours. 

Kind regards,
Stewart Godfrey

[Due to the length of the article written by famous newscaster Gordon Sinclair that was attached to this editorial, the Moose Jaw Express is unable to reprint it in the paper edition, but it can be viewed on the online daily if interested.]

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.  

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