On Nov, 6, 2024, I sent a complaint letter to Moose Jaw Housing Authority stating that I have the following complaint/concerns: physical intimidation, verbal intimidation and behaviour expressed by one tenant.
In the letter I said, "To resolve my concerns, I would like you to do the following: This individual must be removed from Regal Villa, a Moose Jaw Housing complex. The residents have endured this unacceptable burden for several years. I am sending this complaint letter on behalf of the residents who feel unsafe and very frightened. I emailed the complaint letter to the attention of the chief executive officer."
The afternoon of Nov. 6, 2024, I received a reply note from the chief executive officer stating that, unfortunately they needed more information to proceed, and they require that to do an investigation.
They said, "I would suggest that anyone who has felt unsafe to individually call in to make a complaint. I cannot take secondhand information/hearsay.
“I need to stress that if anyone has felt any physical or verbal intimidation or behaviour that they call Moose Jaw City police immediately and then contact Moose Jaw Housing Authority to file a complaint. As you know, we do have a process that we follow when we receive complaints, and to the best of our ability, we rectify any situations."
November 2024 and December 2024 passed, and on Jan. 13, 2025, after this behaviour had continued, five women who are all physically disabled, some from birth, with ages ranging from 50 to 79, wrote out their complaint letter, some four pages long, each signed their complaint letter and placed it in a white envelope, sealed it with their name and apartment number. These five letters were then placed in a large brown envelope and hand-delivered to Moose Jaw Housing Authority. There was no hearsay, each woman told their own story.
As of March 5, 2025, not one of their letters has received a reply. So today, I am here to say Regal Villa has a beautiful setting outside, but when you come through the doors, it is (seems to be) a living nightmare.
In closing, here is a quote from Gandhi: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
These five women are standing together; they must be the change they wish to see in the changes that Moose Jaw Housing must make to make them safe in their home.
Signed, sealed, and delivered.
Linda Morgan