Members of Moose Jaw’s many labour unions are inviting Moose Jaw down to the Union Centre on Sept. 2 for a free barbecue to celebrate labour workers and everything they do for this community.
From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., union members will be serving up hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn and drinks to anyone who wants to come down and mingle. They have also planned some entertainment for the kids, including face painting, a bouncy castle, and a clown.
Stacey Landin, president of the CUPE Local 9, noted that around ten of the local unions have come together to take part in the fifth annual barbecue on Labour Day, including the SEIU, SUN, Unifor, UFCW, and others.
The barbecue is meant to interact with the community and show some appreciation for both current working citizens and those of the past as well.
“People who are union members are community members, so we want to show people the services they provide and how we appreciate the community we live in and provide services for,” said Landin.
Everyone is welcome to stop in, with the majority of the festivities being held in the park behind the Union Centre at 1402 Caribou Street W. If the weather is poor, the event will move inside the Union Centre.
“We're always pleased to present it and we're very honoured with the number of people who have come to show up and join us, rain or shine,” said Landin. “We hope everyone takes some time to celebrate the working people of our community with us.”