Thanks to COVID and virus research, a new mRNA ‘Vaccine Treatment’ for MS is in final development. The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada made the announcement in their January 25, 2021 Newsletter. They wrote:
“BioNTech is Applying mRNA Vaccine Technology to Treat Multiple Sclerosis. BioNTech, a German biotechnology company that is working with Pfizer to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, reports that they are using the same technology to develop a therapeutic approach to multiple sclerosis (MS).” Jan. 25, 2021
Yahoo Finance Reports on BioNTech; “With the MS vaccine, the mRNA technology stops the body's immune system from attacking neurons in the brain and spinal cord.”
Andrew Mee, PhD, Manchester, England believes this treatment “… delivers mRNA into cells to code a myelin protein.” (Personal Contact)
What to do? Inform anyone you know who has MS of this breakthrough.
Ask neurologists and medical doctors working with people with MS to read the literature. The Medical Profession is overwhelmed with COVID problems – pharmaceutical reps cannot visit – so they need to read the literature.
In 1974 Drs. Cook and Dowling identified the virus that causes Multiple Sclerosis. For more than 40 years the ‘Virus Theory as the cause of MS’ was not accepted.
In 1998 Andrew Mee, PhD, Manchester, England, in ground breaking research into Paget’s Bone Disease confirmed the same virus identified by Cook and Dowling as the cause of MS, was the cause of Paget’s Bone Disease.
The BioNTech Biotechnology Company research may suggest a virus is the cause of MS.
Why the slow progress in Virus Research?
To quote Canadian Derrick Rossi, co-founded of Moderna, “Viruses are not a particularly good business model.” The advent of COVID made ‘virus research’ a good business model.
Richard Dowson, B.Ed., Ed. Dip., M. Ed., Governor General’s CC Award, is an Historian and MS Researcher in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, CANADA