An official with the Saskatchewan Police Commission has scheduled a hearing for Alan Murdock, a former constable who is appealing his dismissal from the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) in 2019.
In a brief four-minute teleconference on May 5, hearing officer Jay Watson set Aug. 31 to Sept. 18 as the dates for when Murdock can appeal his dismissal from the police service even though he was on probation at the time. Both Murdock and Destiny Gibney, a lawyer for the MJPS, acknowledged that they had received disclosure — information — about the case.
“I am prepared to do that (set a hearing date),” Murdock said. “That is the only thing I am here to discuss.”
After suggesting the first three weeks of September for the hearing — which would provide flexibility — Watson asked if both parties would be ready by then. Gibney and Murdock both said yes.
Gibney said she would put the hearing dates in her calendar. While she was running another trial until Aug. 28, she thought she could make the start date work for the Murdock hearing.
Watson suggested that the hearings begin at 9 a.m. each day, although if anyone had an issue with that, they could change the start time with ease.
“We can (also) discuss such things as lunchtimes when we start,” he continued.
Since the effects of the coronavirus pandemic could still be in place by September, that could limit the number of people allowed in a room, Watson added. He thought they would have to play by ear the situation, while he would inform everyone when he had selected a hearing venue.
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