Members of Moose Jaw Families for Change braved the heat on Wednesday afternoon, sticking it out with their Bubly Smile Stand for Autism Speaks Canada.
Katie Statler, community co-ordinator for Moose Jaw Families for Change, was glad to see so many faces stop at the stand for a refreshing drink. She estimated they raised more than $130 — that’s 130 cans of Bubly sold at $1 each — with those proceeds going to Autism Speaks Canada.
Their stand was one of many taking part in the nationwide inaugural Bubly Smile Stand Day, and they were feeling proud of the response the community gave them.
“It's a great way to raise awareness for Autism Speaks Canada and get the community involved,” said Statler. “I think we've had a pretty good turnout today.”
Families for Change felt this particular program was one they wanted to support, as it falls in line with the sorts of things they do at the Kinsmen Inclusion Centre every day.
“It was something that obviously resonates with us, as we support people of varying abilities here at the Kinsmen Inclusion Centre. So we wanted to reach out to another organization that is obviously well-known and help them out as well,” said Statler.
Now that they have their own stand built and ready, Statler can see Families for Change bringing it back out in support for other organizations as well, so keep an eye on their social media in the future.