The Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation has announced that beginning as early as Mar. 12, teachers across the province will be implementing sanctions regarding extra-curricular activities and voluntary work outside of school hours.
Under the Restriction of Services sanction, STF members will continue to provide students with learning opportunities within the school day but will no longer be providing services any earlier than 15 minutes before the day starts or 15 minutes after the day ends.
STF members will also no longer be taking part in any voluntary or extracurricular activities outside of school hours, other than student supervision at lunch, recess or during bus pickups during the above specified times.
The sanctions are a result of a vote earlier in February, in which teachers voted 90.2 per cent in favour of implementing such sanctions.
“We recognize this causes uncertainty, disappointment and frustration for students, parents and teachers,” said Patrick Maze, president of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation in a press release. “We had all hoped to avoid this situation. We ask for continued support in urging government to fix the problems its underfunding has created for students across the province.”
The sanctions will remain in place indefinitely, as the Teachers’ Bargaining Committee continues to negotiate an agreement with the provincial government that is satisfactory.
“It is extremely frustrating that government admits there is a problem, but refuses to address it,” said Maze. “Students are paying the price. Teachers have made it clear that securing adequate classroom resources for students is worth fighting for.”