As I’ve raised our sweet peas, I’ve deliberately made plans ahead of time to create “anticipation.” Just as a child counts the sleeps until his/her birthday, the anticipation of the day carries as much or more excitement than the actual day. Anticipation is a gift in itself whereas instant self-gratification is empty and hollow. A long-awaited meeting of a loved one or an event provides a building up of hope to an expected outcome. Even planned outings, family game nights or day trips were eagerly anticipated in our home. Did you know that large amounts of the hormone, dopamine are released when we anticipate a pleasurable experience?
As I think about expectancy, I hold dear the moments of wonder and anticipation I experienced as a young girl. I was blessed to grow up in a small town church community that was vibrant and growing. This provided many opportunities to attend weddings of the young people who attended; the church fellowship was an extension of our family. I absolutely loved to attend the weddings of the girls who were a few years older than me, especially those who had saved themselves for their husbands-to-be. It is hard to put into words the sense I had when I sat on the hard wooden pew, decked out in my Sunday best; the atmosphere in the church was thick with reverence, wonder and anticipation. My heart beat faster. My breath was forced. From time to time, I’d sneak a peek to the back of the church to see if the bride and her father had arrived. The crowd was sitting on the edge of their seats in earnest expectation. The moment the bride arrived was sacred. Time stood still. As the minister said, “All rise,” the corporate gathering rose as one for this momentous occasion; smiles, tears and butterflies evident. This was the moment that had been hoped for, prayed for and planned for! Oh the joy of this anticipated event!
There is another anticipated event that will crown every event that ever was; do you know what it is? Do you feel that tension in the atmosphere? The world is standing at attention, knowing something is happening. The earth is groaning for the revelation of the Jesus Christ; also known as His Second Coming. There is a marriage supper planned for all those invited. The Bride is making herself ready. There is great anticipation of this coming together of the Bridegroom and His Bride.
As I anticipate this great and glorious day for the ecclesia, there is a preparation we are in to become that glorious church without spot or wrinkle. The Bridegroom is wooing. He is calling. He is bidding us come into an intimate relationship with Him... trusting, resting and being in His presence. These are Song of Solomon’s words of the Bridegroom King to us in this hour: “Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with Me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to My heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one. ...Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth.” (Song of Solomon 2:10, 13a)
He is shaping. He is shifting. He is sifting. He is pruning. These are days of preparation. Our hearts are being drawn into His. He is calling your name. Will you respond? Wonder awaits.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.