The City of Moose Jaw’s fieldhouse booking and usage policy has been updated to better reflect how the YaraCentre turf is used and allocated to user groups.
City council approved the updated policy during its June 14 regular meeting.
A council report explained that council should review the policy and update it regularly to ensure existing practices align with the document’s intent. Updating the policy also gives the parks, recreation and facilities advisory committee the chance to provide feedback about the document before sending it to council for final approval.
The policy’s purpose is to guide scheduling practices and programming at the building in conjunction with the current rates and fees schedule. The policy also identifies the procedure for booking requests from prime tenants and regular users.
Some of the main changes in the document include:
- Renaming the document to the fieldhouse booking and usage policy from the YaraCentre booking and usage policy
- Updating the booking procedures and clarifying the refund or cancellation policy
- Updating the list of prohibited activities to include outdoor golf equipment, any hitting activities that use outdoor balls, lawn bowling, or metal cleats, spikes or tape on the track or turf
- Removing bookings of meeting rooms since they were turned into additional fitness centre space
- Adding a non-compliance course of action
- Adding a policy review and rates and fees review to align with current practices that mirror the arena usage policy
- Updating language to reflect today’s electronic communications
The next regular council meeting is Monday, June 28.