My nephew is getting married this summer; we received our “save the date” invitation several months ago. It’s an exciting time for him and his fiancé; there has been much foresight and preparation put in for this eventful day, especially during a pandemic. The months of planning are turning into days and will soon turn into only hours and minutes culminating in a sacred assembly of lifetime commitment and covenant.
It is hard to believe “Pooky,” the first-born on my side, is taking this big step in life. From his baby days onward, his smile has been never-ceasing and his dimples are surely the cherry on top. He has grown into a mature, faithful, responsible young man that we are proud of. As we gather with family and friends we will reflect on the past, enjoy the present and look to the future full of possibilities.
As I was praying in preparation for this week, I sensed an invitation from the Lord to you, dear readers. This is what I received as I waited on Him: “Some things can be seen ...but some things can only be felt with the heart. I am taking you to a deeper place in Me. I am taking you to greater understanding of Me; how I work, how I operate, how I lead, how I love. I am opening up new realms. I am opening up new views, new understanding.” There is a call in the Spirit to go deeper in Him. What does that look like you may ask? I can say without a doubt, He is asking us to be open in these days and be willing to be led of the Spirit in ways we’ve never been. “Behold, I am doing a new thing!” There is a new sound coming forth. It is the prayers of the saints.
There is a groaning; a sound is building all over the globe. It is a wave of prayer. There has been no greater time of prayer gatherings in history. Do you feel a stirring to pray? Are you feeling the draw to gather with those of like mind to lean into prayer in a greater measure? If you are, you are sensing the shift that has happened around the world. The prayer movement has been building momentum. It is not by man’s works. It is a Spirit-led phenomenon. The prayers of intercession are building a beachhead in the Spirit; preparing for the greatest revival this world has ever seen. Do you hear it?
The ecclesia is rising up to decree and declare what God is saying. We’ve shifted from praying “bless me and others” prayers to ruling through prayer. Wanda Alger, in her book, “Moving from Sword to Scepter,” states that as believers, we’ve “...been called out and set apart from the culture of the day, to sit at the city gates to rightly process and discern God’s will and purposes. It is this Ecclesia of God that has been called to demonstrate Kingdom authority and blessing to the decaying man-made systems of the world. The shift will require an upgrade in our intercession.”
The way we’ve prayed in the past won’t cut it anymore. We need to step up into righteous rule, executing justice as kings and priests unto the Lord. “It will require a fresh perspective on our call to rule from a Kingdom position in order to legislate the affairs of heaven on the earth.”
Will you answer the call of intercession? You are invited...
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.