“The Voice,” an American singing competition, attracts unsigned amateur and professional voices to the stage. The show has uncovered a wealth of potential that would otherwise have gone unnoticed and untouched on the national and international stage. Contestants age 13 and older are encouraged to audition for the contest with the eventual winner of each season going home with a $100,000 cold hard cash and a record deal with Universal Music Group.
This television reality competition attracts millions of viewers each year, broadcasting in several nations worldwide such as South Africa, New Zealand, Philippines and Austraila. "The Voice" will soon be launching its 17th season this fall. One has got to consider why this has become a household name; attracting many followers from start to finish each season.
There are countless feel-good stories that come forth as the public gets to know each contestant. The best stories are the ones who’ve emerged from a troubled background or from the wrong side of the tracks. Average, everyday kinds of people come to the auditions and have their chance at a claim to fame. They may have struggled in many ways but they all have one thing in common... a beautiful voice.
All week, as I’ve been pondering on what God would have me share with you this week, it is just that. You have a voice. Yes, you. Every one of you, dear readers has a voice. And it is beautiful.
A few weeks ago, I shared a challenge for you to “write your story” because it needs to be read. I’m going to build on that this week and say “your voice needs to be heard.” I’m not suggesting you start on a rant or voice your opinion. Goodness knows, we know there’s enough of that. What I am suggesting is that you start to share your story and start conversations with those around you. Get into each other’s lives and share what’s on your heart... your dreams, your fears, your loves, and your desires. Don’t wait for your story to have a good ending. Your story is what other’s need to hear right now.
2 Corinthians 1:4 says, “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”
Start where you are at. Live your life from the inside out. Be real. Be vulnerable. Be empathetic. Be you.
You have a passion and a purpose planted deep within you. Every. One. Of. You. It doesn’t matter that you grew up on the wrong side of the tracks or that your parents didn’t see your value. Jesus wasn’t even appreciated in his own hometown so He went where he was heard. Don’t waste your voice where it isn’t celebrated. Share your story where it is welcomed.
The last part of verse 2 in Psalm 15 says “(You are)...always the champion of my cause.” God has given you a cause. Your cause is whatever you are passionate about. Make it your life mission to become a student of what moves you and then share that knowledge with others who embrace it and recognize it in you. Go where you are heard. Share your story. Share your life with others.
Allow God to lead you to those who need to hear what you have to say. He has given you a voice. It’s your time to use it. We are all a work in process. Don’t wait for the optimum time. Now is the time.