When everything’s falling apart, what holds it together? Life-altering situations such as a vehicle or work accident, miscarriage, a move, death of a spouse, or loss of limb or job can all account for life falling apart. The normalcy of life, no matter how dysfunctional or functional it was, is no more. Routines are thrown off kilter and there’s no bottom to the pit you may find yourself in.
Ironically, the only real thing that never changes is that change is constant. You can bet on change to be your lifelong partner whether you like it or not.
My parents often went for coffee with their friends when Sis and I were kids. They would gather around the kitchen table with a cup of black coffee and spend hours laughing and would often fondly share stories of the good ‘ol days. I used to think my parents and the adults I was around were so old but, looking back, they were only mid to late 30’s... which puts me a whole decade older than that now. Admittedly, once I’d moved past the 20th year anniversary of my high school graduation, I, too, began to think of those days with fond recall.
Sis used to sing a song at Cowboy Church called “Grandpa, Tell Me ‘Bout the Good Ol’ Days.” Written by Jamie O’Hara and recorded and released in January 1986 by The Judds, American country music duo, this song mourns the demise of traditional values being abandoned for “progress.” How true is that?
Interestingly, this song became a Number One hit on the “Billboard” magazine Hot Country Singles chart. I believe it was the cry of the heart of the countries, USA and Canada. It is even truer today, some 33 years later. So many times, I wonder how I am to navigate in this world, presently.
It is a challenging time to raise children. It is a challenging time to have traditional values. It is a challenging time to cling to what is good and abhor what is evil. It is challenging to even determine what is good and what is evil; the lines are blurred by a desensitized media and mainstream culture that has wandered so far away from the foundation this nation was built upon and our ancestors who pioneered this country.
“When everything’s falling apart, what holds it together?” There is no question in my mind, we must go back to the very truths of the Word of God and build our lives on the solid rock of Jesus. His Word, no matter how much it has been hated or tried to be removed from sectors of society and even nations, it still stands the test of time! His Word remains.
His Word is relevant even for this day. His Word never changes. His Word is faithful and will always work. God holds everything together. He is the Alpha (beginning) and the Omega (ending). He knows what is coming down the pipe and He says... stay fixed on Me. Build your house on the Solid Rock. Trust in My unfailing love. I (Jesus) will never change and will never leave you.
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (trouble and sorrows); but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”John 16:33
Be encouraged, dear readers! Your “normal” may have been rocked. Your life may be falling apart. But, be of good cheer, He is holding you in the palm of His hand and will hold your world together.