Dear Reader,
It was almost 10 years ago that we began to hang out together for a few minutes once a week, with me being clever and entertaining while sharing stories about…us. You have been included in so many of my stories that I almost feel we are related and yet you continue to entertain and amuse me/us. I have loved to tell stories about the crazy adventures we have had, and I will continue bragging and BSing, but I just wont be writing these stories down on paper anymore.

The true stories are usually the funniest and the most heartwarming. You were always a wonderful source for a “slice of life comedy” and I continually felt comfortable sharing my own true stories with you. Of course, with story telling, there are always embellishments and even though the stories were usually about reality and truth, I hope you were never embarrassed or uncomfortable with me sharing our tales.
What I am slowly getting around to is that I think we need to break up. I want you to understand it is not you, but it is me. My life has changed so much after I retired that I can hardly believe it is actually going the way my beautiful bride and I planned. My pie in the sky retirement plans are becoming a reality, with me being able to play hockey, play music, and play in the garden and mountains. What I didn’t plan for was how much time and effort these distractions would require; that is why I am running short of time for story telling…sigh.
I am eternally grateful for your friendship and for the support you have given me. I am also forever grateful to my editor and publisher, Joan and Rob Ritchie for not only giving a guy with four years of Grade 8 an opportunity to share some giggles, but for their tolerance and understanding. Believe me when I say you will always be in my heart…when I am gardening, playing hockey, and playing music.
Cheers and respect!
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.