The paper Helping hands are already appearing throughout the city and human helping hands are preparing to participate in what is hoped to be another successful telethon to raise money that will help Saskatchewan residents.
Kinsmen Telemiracle 44 will take place March 7-8, providing several hours of local, national and international entertainment as well as time to showcase the donors and the recipients of assistance from the Kinsmen Foundation.
Since humble beginnings with host Blake Emmons, Telemiracle has become a major production that has raised several million dollars to provide monetary support in the purchase of medical and personal equipment, travel and housing allowances and other forms of aid to Saskatchewan residents who so desperately need a helping hand.
Over the years Telemiracle has exceeded $4 million in donations 11 times; $5 million eight times; and once, in 2018, achieved the highest amount ever at more than $7 million. While there is never a set goal in mind, there is always a silent quest to achieve higher donations than the previous year, thus the not-so-silent urge to “ring those phones.”
One cannot keep the tears in check as recipients talk about how the Kinsmen Foundation helped them and what Telemiracle means to them. Some, in fact, turn around and organize projects to raise more money to help the Foundation help others. The circle of giving is completed as the hours go by.
It is interesting to hear about the various fund-raising endeavours undertaken, from teas and bake sales and pancake breakfasts, to pushing beds through the cold, dark night to gather donations, to challenges from friend to friend and corporation to corporation. No donation is considered too small for indeed all those donations add up significantly.
The national cast keeps the show rolling and joining the cast this year is Moose Jaw’s Cory Churko and his bandmates from the band,Toque.
Moose Jaw residents will be also be watching for performances by Madison Veroba, Jessica Kreutzer, Janet Hogemann and Abbegayle Day along with Assiniboia’s Hank Fabulous and Jordan Engstrom.
With support coming from all corners of Saskatchewan, it is anticipated that Telemiracle 44 will be another successful weekend. Thank you to the Kinsmen organizations for continuing to meet the needs of Saskatchewan residents.
Joyce Walter can be reached at [email protected]
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.