The busy days of the Spring Session of the Legislature started this past week. The Legislative Session will focus on building a stronger economy, providing needed services, managing spending and keeping taxes low. The government continues to stand up for Saskatchewan, to provide quality social programs, timely health services and continued improvements to infrastructure. We continue to stand up for Saskatchewan on the pipeline development necessary to get our oil products to world markets by the safest possible means, and get a reasonable return for the people of our province.
I will continue to advocate for Moose Jaw and programs to enhance the wellbeing of our citizens. I am pleased with some of the positive announcements in the past months. The announcement of a four per cent increase in municipal revenue sharing will help our city continue improving our infrastructure. SaskPower’s plan to build a 350-megawatt natural gas electrical generation plant in Moose Jaw will provide jobs and economic activity.
I will keep working towards those issues that constituents have told me are important to them:
- Keeping the Saskatchewan economy growing;
- Providing sustainable social programs;
- Ensuring safety in our communities and on our highways;
- Quality education at all levels;
- Improving health care and health facilities; and
- Managing spending and keeping taxes low.
The carbon tax that the federal government plans to impose on April 1st will hurt the Saskatchewan economy. The Government of Saskatchewan has presented its legal challenge of the federal carbon tax in court. Not only do we believe the carbon tax is unconstitutional, we know that it would have very little impact in terms of a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Our made-in-Saskatchewan Prairie Resilience Climate Change Strategy is designed to reduce greenhouse gases without negatively affecting the Saskatchewan economy. Premier Scott Moe is reminding Ottawa that is should hold off on forcing a carbon tax on Saskatchewan until the province’s Court of Appeal has ruled on its constitutionality.
We will continue to focus on important government programs and services to ensure such programs are sustainable for the long term. We continue to improve services addressing mental health in our communities. Here in Moose Jaw, the new Police and Crisis Team pairs Members’ of our Police Service with a mental health professional to respond to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. In February, our city’s new Community Recovery Team began providing more intensive supports for people living with complex, persistent mental health challenges.
The provincial budget will be presented on March 20. Our fiscal plan over the past three years was to bring the budget to balance in the coming fiscal year – and we are on track to do so while maintaining a competitive tax and business environment.
During the legislative session, my colleagues and I are also busy attending various caucus meetings and committee meetings. I sit on a number of committees including; Economy, Red Tape, Treasury Board, Public Accounts and the Saskatchewan Construction Panel.
If you are interested in attending the budget address, or have concerns or suggestions, please contact the Moose Jaw North Constituency office. Our office remains open during session with regular business hours. We are located at 326 High St. West, 306-692-8884, [email protected].