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The classic connection

Wanda Smith's column from the latest edition of The Moose Jaw Express
On the Front Porch by Wanda Smith

Launching off of last week’s column, I’d like to delve a little further into love; specifically love and marriage.

Before you hit the snooze button or write this column off as a waste of your time, let me make my case about marriage.

I was at the bank the other day getting some change for water money (we haul our household water) when a conversation sparked between the teller and me. In passing, we shared how long we’d each been married; Hubby and I soon to celebrate 26 years and she and her husband soon to be 21 years. We exchanged the thought that it was something to celebrate nowadays; especially when marriages are breaking apart around us. She mentioned that most of their friends were still married as well, to which I replied, “You must’ve picked some great friends!” Before you get your shirt in a knot, I’m not referring to the fact that if one is to divorce, you wouldn’t be a great friend. I truly believe you could be and mostly likely would be a great friend but here I am referring to the fact that both partners in the marriage are willing to go the distance and work things out.

Let’s face it: divorce is the result of both parties not willing to work on the marriage. There is a breakdown somewhere but that does not mean the breakdown cannot be fixed. Just as a vehicle needs maintenance and occasionally may need a major overhaul, most vehicles are not beyond repair. Hubby has fixed his fair share of vehicles, including ones that have been in accidents and there are very few that cannot be brought back to a beautiful state. Furthermore, even a new frame on the underside can be installed or the front end completely replaced; the value is determined by the eye of the beholder. To put it into greater perspective, a classic car is an old car treated with value and brought back to its former glory through a lot of work, care, money and heart. No marriage is beyond the state of repair if the partners are willing to put in the work.

Marriage has a cost. In fact, it costs everything. We are asked to give up our individual rights to serve our spouse. There are tears. Hurts. And Sacrifice. Yet, marriage is the most amazing relationship one could ever experience here on earth. It is an enormous honor to play the most significant role in your spouse’s life. This is holy ground. John and Stasi Eldredge write in their book, “Love and War,” “We are created to love and be loved.  And there is no greater context; no better opportunity to really love someone and be loved by them throughout an entire lifetime than you will find in marriage. ...God uses marriage to bring us the deepest joys in life.”

Have you ever wondered why marriage is so hard? Because the devil hates marriage. He hates love... He hates beauty... He hates unity... and He hates commitment. He will do everything he can to come in between two committed people because he knows how much he is up against when two become one; one in agreement, one flesh, single-minded, focused and living for the same things. Two people committed for life is a powerful force that cannot be stopped. It has the potential to be a classic... growing old together and becoming more beautiful as care, attention, hard work and heart are invested in it.  

Check in next week for a continuation of this love story...

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.  

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