There's also New Blue
1 6
"let me google that for you"...
2 0
Googling something is too much work for the average citizen. Sad but true.
3 9
A bullmoose has antlers
1 0
Many tenants cannot afford to find better accommodations
4 0 0
@Wayne A. Dennis used to be my neighour about 20 years ago on Boundary Rd. Dennis has a heart of gold
14 1
Congratulations to those who may benefit from this! IMO, there must be an upcoming election lol
3 0 1
Do for others as you wish to have done for you.
19 0 0
I've only recently discovered the news, sorry I couldn't speak sooner. It brings great sadness to know such an amazing person left. It touched me to be helped by both Nick & Kim during my youth when things were rough at home. I'm now an adult and still remember volunteering with Nick at the East Side Rink like it was yesterday, a memory that I'll have for life. Until we meet again.
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You'd be surprised.
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