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Does anyone remember Elmer the Safety Elephant? SSM Police Services bicycle training program? Under the law bikes are vehicles. Cyclists are considered operators of that vehicle. These vehicles have always been on the road in a shared capacity with Motor Vehicles, with each type of vehicle/operator abiding by the laws. Stripes/markings on the ground are a waste of money, especially when the traffic laws by cyclists are for the most part entirely ignored today. Stripes/Markings don't come from a sense of initiating a program of safety on the roads, driver/operator training does. What majority of cyclists indicate the legal requirement for lane change or turn/stop hand signals? Where is enforcement of existing laws, (which instills change of habit of an unsafe operator) for riding the wrong direction in lanes, running lights, cycling on sidewalks over age? This won't improve safety, no matter what global fund city borrows from, or taxing us for doubling the striping budget.
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Does anyone remember Elmer the Safety Elephant? SSM Police Services bicycle training program? Under the law bikes are vehicles. Cyclists are considered operators of that vehicle. These vehicles have always been on the road in a shared capacity with Motor Vehicles, with each type of vehicle/operator abiding by the laws. Stripes/markings on the ground are a waste of money, especially when the traffic laws by cyclists are for the most part entirely ignored today. Stripes/Markings don't come from a sense of initiating a program of safety on the roads, driver/operator training does. What majority of cyclists indicate the legal requirement for lane change or turn/stop hand signals? Where is enforcement of existing laws, (which instills change of habit of an unsafe operator) for riding the wrong direction in lanes, running lights, cycling on sidewalks over age? This won't improve safety, no matter what global fund city borrows from, or taxing us for doubling the striping budget.
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